Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Concrete Wash on Concrete Decks

A concrete wash on a concrete parking deck is ordinarily details with a detail family of the appropriate division in the appropriate wall section.  However, I have decided to model the concrete wash (because I have the time at the moment).  I created an in-place model with a profile for the concrete wash, sweeps, and void sweep-blends for the ends of the wash.  The ends gave me pause because their unusual geometry required the void sweep-blend.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Building Pads and their phasing quirks...

When creating a building pad in a Phased project, one cannot expect the building pad to respect the differences between the phases.  They appear, in one way or another, in every phase.  Work-arounds are possible, but too irritating to consider. 

My Buddy has suggested that worksets would work for phasing as well.  I'm trying that next.